EpiGraphDB R package
The EpiGraphDB R package offers an easy and user-friendly way for R users to get easy access to the major functionalities of the API service, without having to resort to dedicated tools (such as curl, jq, and python requests ) with steep learning curves. However, it is recommended for advanced users to construct their own queries through the API to better suit their needs.
The R package is hosted on Github:
To install the latest development version from github (
is required
# install.packages("devtools")
To install a stable version from CRAN:
NOTE: while the package repository is "epigraphdb-r", the R package name is "epigraphdb".
Below is an example on how to use the package.
#> EpiGraphDB v0.2
#> Web API: http://api.epigraphdb.org
#> To turn off this message, use
#> suppressPackageStartupMessages({library("epigraphdb")})
mr(outcome = "Body mass index")
#> # A tibble: 370 x 12
#> exposure_id exposure_name outcome_id outcome_name estimate se
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 627 Epiandroster… 785 Body mass i… 0.0950 2.28e-3
#> 2 541 X-11787 835 Body mass i… -0.0578 1.77e-4
#> 3 971 Ulcerative c… 835 Body mass i… -0.0111 1.76e-4
#> 4 60 Waist circum… 835 Body mass i… 0.861 2.07e-2
#> 5 UKB-a:426 Eye problems… 94 Body mass i… -1.12 1.90e-2
#> 6 UKB-a:373 Ever depress… 95 Body mass i… -0.616 4.80e-4
#> 7 29 Birth length 95 Body mass i… -0.141 5.67e-4
#> 8 350 Laurate (12:… 974 Body mass i… 0.418 7.10e-3
#> 9 UKB-a:124 Treatment/me… 974 Body mass i… -5.14 1.08e-1
#> 10 95 Body mass in… 974 Body mass i… 0.981 2.79e-2
#> # … with 360 more rows, and 6 more variables: p <dbl>, ci_upp <dbl>,
#> # ci_low <dbl>, selection <chr>, method <chr>, moescore <dbl>)
Head over to http://r-docs.epigraphdb.org to check out its documentation.