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Frequently asked questions

How do I know what functionalities are available for the EpiGraphDB platform?

In addition to the WebUI (the EpiGraphDB website), programmatically accessible functionalities are available via EpiGraphDB's API endpoints:

  • The API endpoints page in the documentation site offers an overview on the endpoints that are available, what they do, and example code snippets to query them, and results to expect.
  • The OpenAPI / Swagger interface provides an interactive interface to the API service for users to try out, and formulate their queries.

R package: How do I use a different API of the EpiGraphDB platform?

This is also covered within the documentation for the R package here.

EpiGraphDB currently offers two API URLs

To switch to the development API, do

# Get default option
default_api_url <- getOptions("epigraphdb.api.url")
# Change to the development API
options(epigraphdb.api.url = "")
# Verify current URL
# Switch back
options(epigraphdb.api.url = default_api_url)

NOTE: you can make this change persistent by placing the changes in .Rprofile.

How do I know the version / build of the data retrieved from EpiGraphDB's API?

The GET /builds endpoint can be used to obtain the individual build versions of various components of the EpiGraphDB platform (e.g. the database, etc).

For requests in python you can do the following:

import requests

url = ""
r = requests.get(url)

# And you should expect to see something like
# {'epigraphdb': {'overall': '1.0', 'database': '1.0', 'api': '1.0', 'web_app': None}, 'pqtl': '3.0'}

For using the epigraphdb R package you can do the following:


results = query_epigraphdb(route="/builds")

# And you should expect to see something like
# $epigraphdb
# $epigraphdb$overall
# [1] "1.0"
# $epigraphdb$database
# [1] "1.0"
# $epigraphdb$api
# [1] "1.0"
# $epigraphdb$web_app
# $pqtl
# [1] "3.0"

How do I get in touch?

Yes please do.

Please get in touch with us for issues, comments, suggestions, etc. via the following methods: