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EpiGraphDB metadata and metrics

Meta node

Meta node count
Disease 38,960
Drug 2,697
Efo 25,390
Gene 57,737
Gwas 34,494
Literature 3,995,672
LiteratureTerm 108,905
LiteratureTriple 5,609,945
Pathway 2,441
Protein 20,280
Tissue 54
Variant 99,005

Meta relationship

Meta rel from_node to_node count
MONDO_MAP_EFO Disease Efo 2,819
MONDO_MAP_UMLS Disease LiteratureTerm 8,247
CPIC Drug Gene 375
EFO_CHILD_OF Efo Efo 43,132
GENE_TO_DISEASE Gene Disease 5,763
XQTL_MULTI_SNP_MR Gene Gwas 3,015,233
GENE_TO_PROTEIN Gene Protein 19,142
EXPRESSED_IN Gene Tissue 2,918,240
GWAS_NLP_EFO Gwas Efo 12,302
GWAS_EFO_EBI Gwas Efo 281
PRS Gwas Gwas 118,124
OBS_COR Gwas Gwas 17,932
MR_EVE_MR Gwas Gwas 25,804,945
GEN_COR Gwas Gwas 840,960
GWAS_NLP Gwas Gwas 89,239,773
GWAS_TO_LITERATURE Gwas Literature 28,111,669
METAMAP_LITE Gwas LiteratureTerm 5,556
GWAS_TO_LITERATURE_TRIPLE Gwas LiteratureTriple 17,531,153
OPENGWAS_TOPHITS Gwas Variant 160,283
GWAS_TO_VARIANT Gwas Variant 26,436
TERM_TO_GENE LiteratureTerm Gene 16,435
MEDRXIV_PREDICATE LiteratureTerm LiteratureTerm 1,969
BIORXIV_PREDICATE LiteratureTerm LiteratureTerm 32,648
SEMMEDDB_PREDICATE LiteratureTerm LiteratureTerm 5,584,547
SEMMEDDB_TO_LIT LiteratureTriple Literature 10,589,785
BIORXIV_TO_LIT LiteratureTriple Literature 35,211
BIORXIV_OBJ LiteratureTriple LiteratureTerm 32,651
BIORXIV_SUB LiteratureTriple LiteratureTerm 32,657
SEMMEDDB_SUB LiteratureTriple LiteratureTerm 5,584,547
SEMMEDDB_OBJ LiteratureTriple LiteratureTerm 5,584,547
PATHWAY_CHILD_OF Pathway Pathway 2,463
PROTEIN_IN_PATHWAY Protein Pathway 121,873
STRING_INTERACT_WITH Protein Protein 827,184
VARIANT_TO_GENE Variant Gene 108,561


Expand to show
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                  'from_node': 'Drug',
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                 {'count': 8247,
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                 {'count': 2819,
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                  'rel': 'MONDO_MAP_EFO',
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                 {'count': 2463,
                  'from_node': 'Pathway',
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                  'rel': 'PROTEIN_IN_PATHWAY',
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                  'from_node': 'LiteratureTerm',
                  'rel': 'TERM_TO_GENE',
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                 {'count': 1969,
                  'from_node': 'LiteratureTerm',
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                  'to_node': 'LiteratureTerm'},
                 {'count': 32651,
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                  'from_node': 'LiteratureTerm',
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                                                      'type': 'LIST'}}},
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                                                         'type': 'LIST'}}},
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